Izzy's Birthday

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Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm Letting Go...A Note from Belle's Mommy

It is interesting how we as humans choose to define our lives. Generally speaking, we choose to define ourselves by something outside ourselves – our job, our family, our status or phase of life, our perceived beauty, even our trials and struggles. This deeply troubles me, especially since any of it could be gone in a second. It troubles me and pains me to see beautiful people, particularly women, view themselves in terms of society and the way they “should look” and dismiss the beauty that radiates from every facet of their life. It hurts to see a job or career or money consume others at the expense of everything else. And yet, here I stand guilty of the very thing I hate.

As many of you know, I am changing careers. Stepping out…no really jumping out of my comfort zone and placing myself and my family firmly in the unknown. This is something that has taken a great deal of courage on my part and terrifies me. Other are thrilled for me, and honestly, I am extremely excited. I have been at peace with my decision for months, and now, a week and a half from quitting my job, I am consumed with doubt and fear for what this decision will actually mean. Fear has been a paralyzing emotion for me all of my life. There are many things I wish I had chosen to do, but fear has always stopped me. Now, here I am facing a life changing decision and once again feel frozen by the fear of the unknown. The funny thing about fear is that it makes you feel so alone. Even when you have many offering support, you feel abandoned and alone.

For the past 6 years, I have defined myself by my work. I have worked with college students and been everything from their advisor (both professionally, life and school) to their big sister who kicks them in their tail when they need it to their mom who wakes them up in the morning and makes them go to class when they studied in the office all night to their friend who has shared in their joys and their sorrows. I have felt my life going in a different direction for a long time, but walking away from this is much harder than I ever dreamed it would be. It is who I have been for 6 years.

Where do I go from here? What do the next few years hold? How will I choose to define myself as I move forward?

Lord, please give me the strength to follow through with this and walk in the path I feel you have laid out for me. Give Philip and me the wisdom to make wise decisions that will grow our family and continue us in the path you have laid out for us. Give me the courage to overcome my fears and define myself as Your child whom you love. And Lord, please do not let me pass my irrational fears on to my daughter. I pray that she becomes an independent, confident woman who loves You, follows your guidance and defines herself by Your standards, not the world's.

I am Philip's wife, Belle’s mommy, an Accredited Financial Counselor, a future teacher, but above all else, I am a daughter of the King.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


A story from The Mommy...

Last week, Belle was very sick and so I stayed home with her. As I was getting ready, Belle thought it would be a great idea to pull all the stuff off of my night stand. Not normally a big deal, except there was a huge glass of water on it and she wanted it. So, I told her to leave the night stand alone and come on into the kitchen to get some breakfast. She looked me straight in the face and said "mhmhmhhmhhm (indecipherable)...Whatever I want!!" Then she smiled and walked out of the room. Needless to say, this Mommy was quite surprised and could do nothing but laugh. Why would I laugh you ask? Because that is most definitely something she gets from me.

Such independence...LOVE IT!!!

"I don't have an attitude...I just have a personality you can't handle!" :)

Pumpkin Patch

Just me and my girl!!

A Punkin on a Punkin

Walking with Daddy

One of the best pictures ever taken of the two of them together (even if I do say so myself)

Pretty sure that Grant was teasing her :)

Now that's a happy girl!!

Who stole my marbles??

Mommy love, love, loves this picture

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Hello Everyone,

It's me, Belle. I wanted to tell you all about my eventful morning, because it has never happened from such a high height. I was sitting on my lovely changing table playing with my Butt Paste when the most horrible thing happened. I dropped my Butt Paste and thought "Hey!! I need that!". Now Mommy was putting the last of my clothes in my bag so that I can go see Uncle Bill and Aunt Linda in Colorado tonight, so she was a little busy at the moment and I decided to be the big independent girl that I am now (please see previous letter to Mommy and Daddy below for further explanation) and take the initiative to get it myself. So, I started to get down off the changing table the way Mommy and Daddy taught me to get off the couch - backwards. The next thing I knew, I had flipped off the changing table and was hanging by one arm like a monkey!! Then, I fell all the way to the ground and landed on my back. AND let's not forget that I hit my chin on the way down!! Poor Mommy watched it all in slow motion and couldn't catch me. She ran over and scooped me up and we both just cried and cried and cried.

Let's just get it out there that I am okay. My chin hurts a little, but really I am no worse for the wear. Now, I know in my previous letter to Mommy and Daddy that I told them I did not need their help. Perhaps I should retract that statement and concede that I still need their help on a limited basis. However, that is as far as I am willing to admit that I need help. I am still a confident, independent woman who also needs her mommy and daddy.

Most sincerely,
Princess Belle
The Princess of Quite A Lot

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It was a REALLY good nap!!

'Nuff Said...

Would someone please pass the Binkie??

Here I stand after Mommy's graduation (Congratulations Mommy!!). I had been such a good girl for FOREVER!! I even waved at Mommy from my seat. Now, it had been such a long day and no one would listen to me when I told them I needed my cup and my binkie. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. Who can blame me? I did what had to be done!


Dear Mommy and Daddy,

I have officially decided that I no longer need your help moving from place to place. There will no longer be any reason for me to be carried, held, cuddled, etc. I am now an independent, confident woman who can maneuver the world by myself. I know this will cause you to be especially emotional and please excuse me when I do not care. Remember that I love you very much, but GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

All Because Two People Fell in Love...

To my precious Princess Belle on her 1st Birthday...

My Sweet Angel Girl,

I love you so very much!!!  I cannot believe that one year has passed since I first held you in my arms.  God gave us you in His very own time, not ours' and I have never been more grateful.  I watch you grow every day and am amazed at how much you learn.  Your curiosity is amazing.  

On your first birthday, I wish you love and laughter throughout your life.  I pray that you do not inherit my baseless fears or anxieties.  I pray that you are fearless and follow whatever dream it is that God gives you.  I pray that you will one day come to know freedom in Christ.  I pray that your Daddy and I show you what it means to love and be loved.

You are my precious baby girl and I will always love you as such.  I so look forward to watching you grow in beauty and strength.

I love you always and forever!!

Happy Birthday Princess Belle!

Love, Mommy


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Not my hat either!!!

That is NOT a hat Daddy!!

Give me that binkie!!!

Burn Those Calories

During dinner, Belle would sit in MawMaw's lap.  She would take one bite, get down out of MawMaw's lap, wait until she could grab MawMaw's fingers and then start walking until MawMaw got up with her.  She would walk into the living room and then crawl back to the kitchen.  After every bite!!!  It was so funny

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scaring Mommy to Death, Part 2...

Checklist for a really bad morning:
1. Wake up to screaming baby at 4 and never go back to sleep
2. While getting ready, stick finger down said baby's throat
3. Bonk baby's head on door frame while rushing to the bathroom to wash her mouth out
4. Call Poison Control (once finding the number after talking to a mean lady at the ER)
5. Lose phone that is on vibrate
6. Be late to work

So this morning, I decided that it would be fun to get in the trash and eat some of Daddy's deoderant. It tasted really bad and I tried to get it back out, but it just wouldn't get out!!!! So, I tried spitting it out, throwing it up and then Mommy got there... She swooped me up and started sticking her finger in my mouth and down my throat. Then she started washing my mouth out with water. It was so gross and I started foaming at the mouth (which the mommy now thinks looked pretty stinking funny!). So then Mommy looked at the back of the deoderant and saw that it said to call Poison Control IMMEDIATELY if I swallowed any of it, which I had. So then she ran around the whole house with me in tow trying to find the stupid phone and I started throwing up again, so we were running back to the bathroom and she bonked my head on the doorframe. Well that was just the end of the world and I completely lost it and starting crying and wailing (the mommy felt pretty darn terrible about this one, especially with the bruise on her noggan). She finally got a hold of Poison Control and they told her that she had already done everything she needed to do and that as long as I wasn't reacting to it - turning an "unnatural red" or seizing - that I was fine.

So now, I'm just hanging out with a yucky taste in my mouth drinking lots of water and about to head to Water Fun Day with Grant at his school.

Wonder if Mommy heart has restarted yet...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Scaring Mommy & Daddy to death!!

So last week was extremely adventurous for this princess!

The week before, I was not so happy, because I had a double-ear infection and it was making me sad. After a visit with Dr. Pepper (as Grant calls Dr. Klepper), I get on some medicine and am on the road to recovery. On Tuesday of last week, I'm still scratching at my ears, so I have another visit with Dr. Pepper to make sure that my ears are clearing up and he said that I looked great and my ears were as beautiful as ever! YAY!!

Then Thursday came...

Thursday morning, Mommy notices that I'm scratching at my face a lot and it's leaving terrible red marks and even some little welts...but they go away really quickly, so she thinks it's from me scratching. Then later in the morning, Mommy gets a call from my grandmom that I stay with during the day. She tells Mommy that I ate a huge bowl of grits that morning and LOVED them, but that now I have little red welts all over my body, so Mommy tells her to call and describe them to the doctor's office and see what we need to do. Well, from the way she described them, Dr. Pepper thinks it is a viral infection that she's trying to get rid of.

Mommy and Daddy had a dinner that night they had to go to and by the time they picked me up, my eyes were swollen almost shut and my body was so red that it looked like I still had clothes on even when I was naked. So they frantically drove all over town, with me in tow, trying to find an urgent care clinic that was still open so as to avoid the ER. It was quite annoying!!! They finally found one and the doctor took one look at me and told Mommy that I was having an allergic reaction to something I ate and then proceeded to chastise Mommy and Daddy for giving me table food! It made Mommy really mad!! He gave them an antihistamine perscription and sent us on our way. Well, they couldn't get it filled that late, so I got Benadryl instead.

And I slept so peacefully...Mommy and Daddy didn't...They spent all night racking their brains trying to figure out what might have caused the reaction...grits=corn...Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets=peanut oil...that about narrows it down

Friday morning...Still not better at all, so I got to go back to see Dr. Pepper for the 3rd time in 2 weeks! It's a good thing that he's my favorite doctor... He walks in and tells Mommy that now she knows what hives look like and seeing my rash makes all the difference in what he thinks is going on. He says that he saw that we went to the urgent care clinic last night and they told us it was a food allergy...and then he made Mommy very happy by saying that it was NOT a food allergy and there was nothing she could have done to prevent it. (thank goodness, because she felt soooooooo guilty!!!) He said that she was having an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillan from the ear infection and that means no more Penicillan, just like Daddy, and gave some good medicine that really made me feel better (Allegra). Now, I have been taking the good stuff since Friday and I almost look like a normal happy baby again!!

Scared Mommy and Daddy to death!!! Wish I could say it was fun, but I was pretty miserable...not gonna lie!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cruising in the wagon with Jackson

Get OFF me Molly!!!

After weeks of pretending and army crawling, I have finally decided that it's time to be mobile.  I am not so sure about crawling on the tile.  It's a little tricky!!  My favorite thing to do is try to get Molly's tail.  

Molly is not so fond of me moving around too much.  The other morning, Mommy was in the bathroom and I was crawling across the floor.  Molly did not think that I should be moving while Mommy couldn't see me, so she sat down on my behind!!!!  Mommy came out of the bathroom and I was looking up at Molly and giving her the what for!  I just thought I would tell her that I did not appreciate her sitting on my behind.  So Mommy moved her off of me and then went back in the bathroom.  I tried to get to my toy on the other side of the room and Molly sat on me again!!!!  I decided that we were done discussing whether or not she was going to sit on me, so I just decided to try and wriggle out from under her.  It didn't work so well.  Mommy had to come get her off me again.  Mommy tried to get a picture, but she just wasn't fast enough.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

7 Month Old Pictures!!

Yes, Daddy did pick out my Cubs outfit!!!

Something over here is VERY interesting!

What was that?????

Look at that tongue!!

Why, yes, I am a princess!!

That Daddy is soooooo funny!!


So this mommy just got in BIG trouble for not updating this blog in a while! First, let me just tell you how very very sorry I am! Please no more stone throwing!!! :) Everything is going wonderful. I solemnly swear to blog this evening and update you on Little Miss Priss and put up some more pictures. Love you!!!